
Wildwood Soil and Garden Management Company

More than 30 years of combined experience in lawn care, maintenance, and landscaping in St. Louis County.

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Soil & Garden Management

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of eating tomatoes fresh from the garden, you know that they blow store-bought tomatoes out of water. The truth is that modern farming practices are designed to grow produce – like tomatoes – that can withstand travel and last long enough to reach our tables.

Commercial farming also places little emphasis on soil health, which adds another layer of blandness. When you grow your own vegetables in your own garden – that’s full of healthy soil – the difference in quality is impossible to deny. Ready to get your own garden in prime shape for growing – or ready to get a garden started – don’t wait to consult with a trusted Wildwood soil and garden management company.

The Important Role Your Soil Plays

The health of your soil plays a critical role in how well your garden grows. When your soil is healthy, it affords your plants the nutrients essential to their health and the organic matter needed for optimal growth. Inferior soil, on the other hand, can lead to all the following concerns:

The U.S. Department of Agriculture puts it this way: Soil is not an inert growing medium – it is a living and life-giving natural resource. It is teaming with billions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes that are the foundation of an elegant symbiotic ecosystem. In other words, when your soil is in good shape, you can expect the flowers and vegetables you grow to follow suit.

Improving Your Soil, Improving Your Garden

There are a range of steps that can be taken to help improve the quality of your soil and, thus, your garden, including:

Getting your soil garden-ready doesn’t have to mean dropping everything and dedicating yourself to optimizing your soil – a professional soil and garden management company can take care of that for you.

A Trusted Wildwood, MO, Soil and Garden Management Company
Can Help

If you’re ready to take your garden to the next level, the soil and garden management pros at All Star Landscaping – proudly serving Wildwood, Missouri – can help you get your soil in prime shape to grow those prize-winning flowers and veggies you’ve been dreaming of.

Growing an abundant garden doesn’t come down to the luck of the draw. In fact, getting your soil in good condition can make all the difference, so please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us online or call 314-568-6332 for more information about what we can do to help you today.

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